The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

JJ & Desiree Hurtak - ‘Keys of Enoch’ Decoding our Blueprint and our Upward Spiral



Famously known over 40 years ago for his mystical journey up beyond this 3rd dimensional plane into what is perceived as the ‘angelic hierarchy or realms’, James Hurtak continues to share insights and information to awaken us to our life’s purpose as well as connect to our higher self and more.Covering vast themes as futurism, archaeology, theology, quantum realms, sound, remote viewing and the development of consciousness, this seems at odds to the nightly news of political intrigue, crime and the terrible mayhem and savagery that’s happening in so many countries on earth today.Yet, both he and his wife Desiree acknowledge, like many of us, that there is also an upward spiral taking place in the field of consciousness and expanding ones awareness … and they see NZ as being a mystical island country, that initiated the template for woman to gain the right to vote, freeing up the divine feminine and anchoring this much needed - balancing archetype.Also, that NZ being a country that instituted so many early soc