The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Scott Macindoe - Advocate for Fish and Ocean Fauna



Also known as the backbone of LegaSea. ( His passion is to make certain that the vision of 'more fish in the water for future generations' is not something that we just talk about – he wants it to become our reality. He is an active environmentalist, a good fisherman, a talented networker, a successful businessman, a green-fingered gardener & a loving family man. “We have to claim our oceans and fisheries back before it is too late.” There are multiple challenges to our fisheries here in NZ.  We all know that due to industrial netting, fish numbers are falling, some spectacularly and this is happening both globally and locally. This also includes dwindling stocks of crustaceans as well as shellfish. At the same time we are having to deal with poorer water quality such as increasing acidic levels as well as an increase in the overall NZ population especially in Auckland who are keen consumers of fish. This is intensifying pressure on the local commons, which translates to the area