The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Malcolm Scott: Is ‘atmospheric aerosol geo-engineering’ and white chemtrails happening over New Zealand?



Whereas prior to the year 2000 we did not see such things however, especially since 2009, these trails are becoming far more obvious and this interview attempts to explain - why? Why here in NZ and who would be involved? We see photographs of these in America, and they have billboards alongside freeways shouting out, “look up, they are chemtrails!”  “What are they spraying?” - Yet why here in sleepy little NZ, what is it - that's really going on above our heads? Malcolm Scott is an experienced and qualified researcher recognised by the NZ Tertiary Education Commission. He has authored several research reports for various organisations and is currently working on a thesis about people’s perceptions and experiences of climate change and chemtrails. In 2015 Malcolm began investigating correspondence with various New Zealand government agencies especially the Ministry for the Environment about the public reporting of alleged high altitude chemical aerosol spraying operations from aircraft in New Zealand. These ar