The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Tara Jackson: Vivisection - Why is NZ still experimenting on up to 300,000 animals annually?



The subject matter, of experimenting on animals that have no voice, gives cause to wonder what we are doing as a so-called civilisation. Where does mindfulness and a duty of care come into it? But more so - compassion? Especially here in NZ where most New Zealanders have a cat or dog or a pet of some kind. But, it's a harsh reality when animals are treated with a certain disdain when money power and profits are concerned. Just look into the eye of that forlorn guinea pig in this graphic. Tara is the CEO of the New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society (NZAVS) and having a degree in Zoology wants to do what she can to educate the public so as the animal kingdom is not exploited by both pain and money.     On average over 300,000 animals are used in vivisection in New Zealand each year. These experiments are performed in universities, schools, polytechnics, commercial laboratories, government departments and ministries. The species used include hamsters, mice, rats, guinea-pigs, sheep, cattle, goats, birds, fish, al