The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Billy Te Kahika: NZ’s Social Media Phenomenon, Fastest Growing Political Party in Nation’s History



This has come about because we know that our planet, and the biosphere are in crisis. We are intuitively recognising that our freedoms are being constantly eroded. Not only this, but mainstream media is either censoring by omission or only feeding us information that may not necessarily be true. Especially if espoused by the Government - who are elected to be our representatives, and expected to debate and clarify every point of view in an open forum so that both they, and we, are fully advised of all pros and cons. This interview tells of the emergence of the NZ Public Party and Advance NZ via social media, why so many people have been drawn to it, and illustrates a common thread that connects so many concerned citizens of today. Yes, there is a metaphysical strand passing right through this narrative and it all revolves around either control or freedom. Not freedom to do whatever we want to do, but in having ‘Freedom’ - we know that we have to be self-disciplined when given such an immense responsibility. T