Aussie English

AE 1116 - Interview: Why Wasn't Einstein an Aboriginal Australian? with Kyrin Down



G'day, you mob! Let's welcome back Kyrin Down on the podcast! In this last instalment of the 4-part interview session I had with Mere Mortals' host Kyrin Down, we chat about what we think if genius Albert Einstein is an indigenous Australian. Or what if he and Isaac Newton were never born? We also talk about Guns, Germs and Steel, a book by Jared Diamond that looks at why certain cultures around the world developed what they did when they did, and others didn't. We talk about why different countries and cultures are so different across the globe, despite us all being the same species, Homo sapiens. Why didn't other groups of people invent things like writing or domesticating animals or create economies and innovate like what happened in Europe and Asia over the last few thousand years? Where would we be technologically if it hadn't been for the big wars of the past? What if we hadn't got things like the jet engine, atomic bombs and certain medical procedures where would we be today? What if Einstein