

In 2008 there was flurry of folks starting gardens and again in 2020—both coupled with a run on canning jars. A gardener needs jars to put up the harvest—so do plan for a garden doing well—if not this year then next year. Buy canning jars and other preservation equipment and ingredients well ahead of canning season. Instagram: Soirée-Leone  Website: So, folks considered the economy and such and urban gardens popped up in backyards, side yards, and on occasion front yards. DIY or prefab raised beds, bags and bags of “garden soil,” pony packs of vegetable plants, drip lines and timer, and so forth. Often within weeks the garden became a barren, neglected patch. On my walks with the dog to Sunset Cliffs I would watch the excitement and progress with happy (albeit hopped up on nitro garden plants) getting tucked into new homes and slowly (and almost surely) be loved less and less. What the happened? I would stop and talk to the garden. I wanted to leave garden love notes for the owners who were pr