Talk to Your Pharmacist

Supporting Medipreneuers with Dr. Michelle Fritsch



In this episode, our guest is Dr. Michelle Fritsch is a board certified geriatric clinical pharmacist with a passion for healthy aging and education. She is a specialist in medication use, prevention, and retirement transition in people over 60. She is founder of Retirement Wellness Strategies; co-founder of Propel Comprehensive Wellness; and co-founder of Medipreneurs. She works with a broad definition of health – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aligned with purpose in each phase of life. Medipreneurs Summit 2022 is August 26-28 in Cincinnati, OH. It is nearly sold out. 2. This is Medipreneurs 5th Anniversary celebration! 3. Many entrepreneurial pharmacists got their start or reached new levels through Medipreneurs 4. We can talk about the mission/the ‘why’ of Mediprenerurs Michelle's other business includes work with leaders nearing retirement: 1. Retirement Wellness Strategies is for executives about 2-3 years before retirement. It is a 1:1 virtual 20-visit process to create a clea