Pelecanus Radio

Pelecanus NEWS #12 July 1 2020



For the July 1 NEWS episode, I have found some pretty interesting Pelecanus News for you. I’ve categorized them into Legislation, Science and Technology, and Animals. The first two categories have the regular amazing stuff but the last category is amazing in the sheer number – frankly, I couldn’t believe how many great stories popped up in the last two weeks. So, instead of going into depth with each, I am just going to look at the headline and maybe one bulletpoint. You can find the rest of the information and links to each on Also, we received a amazing comment about these News episodes, recommending we give context for what each these headlines mean, so, I’m going to try and do the best I can to help explain what these stories mean to conservation, obviously, in my opinion. All of our podcasts can be found on, Soundcloud, iTunes, and Spotify