America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

Adapting to Chronic Flooding: Survivors' Stories and Actions they Take!



In the latest episode of America Adapts, we are talking with citizen activists impacted by repeated flooding and what actions they are taking in response.  The podcast is joined by representatives from the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Anthropocene Alliance. We also talk to four citizen activists who have experienced flooding first hand and the steps they are taking to make their communities more resilient to future extreme events.  We share stories of citizen adapters and the advice they give others that are dealing with extreme events in their communities. We also hear some national level policy recommendations on how to help communities adapt to flooding conditions that will worsen as the climate warms. Get on the ground with flood survivors! Topics covered: Learn what it’s like to live with repeated flooding. How the Anthropocene Alliance helps citizens take action in response to flooding (and how you can benefit too). What role FEMA plays in flood response. What federal policy reforms are n