Nugget of the week - Becoming a founder that is invest-able



About this nugget:  This nugget was pulled from episode 254 from an interview with Ron Suber,  fintech investor, board member and mentor. It’s on founders preparing themselves to fundraise. Subscribe to Bank On It on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio and you’ll get these nuggets delivered every Wednesday morning. In this nugget we have Ron Suber,  fintech investor, board member and mentor, this nugget is on how founders can prepare themselves in ways that investors actually care about.  To a seasoned investor, writing a check is a process, not a sales pipeline. New founders often make the mistake of pitching the wrong investor and doing it incorrectly.  In most cases, an investor who doesn’t understand a model, will not invest, when an investor uncovers orange and red flags they will stop or significantly delay an investment commitment.  So how do seasoned founders do it? Ron reveals the things he looks for which lines up perfectly with the best practices from the hundreds of fintech