Nugget of the week - Investment clarity through a clear thesis with @USV



About this nugget:  This nugget was pulled from episode 213 from an interview with John Buttrick,  One of the partners at Union Square Ventures. This nugget is on Investment clarity through a clear thesis. Subscribe to Bank On It on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio and you’ll get these nuggets delivered every Wednesday morning. This nugget is on how Union Square Ventures determines investments through a crystal clear investment thesis.   Most founders and venture capitalists are familiar with USV, for multiple reasons such as Fred Wilson and the A VC blog, it’s all in part to a combination of having a crystal clear investment thesis which has evolved as the world around us does.  This evolving thesis lead to investments in companies such as Etsy, Twitter, KickStarter, FourSquare, Meetup, Soundcloud, Lending Club and many more.  Many of these high profile investments showcased USV as one of the most recognizable names in Venture Capital. A strong, focused and followed thesis is a se