Nugget of the week - Passion vs Purpose with Nicky from Nova Credit



About this nugget: This nugget was pulled from episode 212 from an interview with Nicky Goulimis,  co founder at Nova Credit . This nugget is on passion vs purpose.    What is a nugget of the week?:  The host John Siracusa has recorded over 300 episodes as the host of the Bank On It & Before the A fintech podcasts where he interviews founders building the future of fintech and the VCS/Angels who fund them.  With each interview there’s this wow moment when the person interviewed has shared something really special, unique or a reminder on how founders or investors should think. So, here we are delivering those moments to you in the form of a bite sized nugget. About Nicky Goulimis:  Nicky is a co-founder and COO of Nova Credit, a worldwide cross-border consumer reporting agency. Nova has built a global infrastructure of credit bureau data which it delivers to lenders and landlords so that they can serve immigrant customers.  Before Nova, Nicky was a consultant at Bain & Company where she served a numb