Herpetological Highlights




What’s the best way to explore toad mate choice… create hyper-realistic robo-toads of differing colours. Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/herphighlights FULL REFERENCE LIST AVAILABLE AT: herphighlights.podbean.com Main Paper References: Gardner KM, Mennill DJ, Savi LM, Shangi NE, Doucet SM. 2021. Sexual selection in a tropical toad: Do female toads choose brighter males in a species with rapid colour change? Ethology 127:475–483. DOI: 10.1111/eth.13156. Other Links/Mentions: Incilius luetkenii call fromOrganization for Tropical Studies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9OoXAMrIYQ Incilius luetkenii interacting with models from Gardner et al., 2021: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/downloadSupplement?doi=10.1111%2Feth.13156&file=eth13156-sup-0001-Videos1.mp4 Hylodes phyllodes call from AmphibiaWeb: https://amphibiaweb.org/sounds/Hylodes_phyllodes92.mp3 Music: Intro/outro – Treehouse by Ed Nelson Species Bi-week theme – Mike Mooney Other Music – The Passion HiFi, www.thepassionhifi.com