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How Breathing Can Change Your Life | James Nestor [Best Of]



We all breathe. It just happens. But, what if the way you breathe made a massive difference in everything from your risk for debilitating illness to your depth and quality of sleep, energy, creativity, and performance? Turns out, it does. Breathing is maybe the single most effective and accessible switch we can throw to radically transform and take control of the way we feel and live. And, by the way, when we leave it chance - as most of us do - our breathing often defaults into a mode that sends us spiraling into poor physical and mental health, and underperformance in all parts of life. Which is why I was so excited to sit down with James Nestor for this Best Of conversation.James is a science writer who has written for Outside, Scientific American, The Atlantic, Dwell, The New York Times, and more. His award-winning book Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, and What the Ocean Tells Us About Ourselves was a revelation and, in no small part, kicked off this science writer’s fascination with the breath. That l