Calm Pills - Relaxing Uplifting Music



Synopsis This mix is an ode to one of my favorite ambient mix series of the same name by Alex Hephaestian. Themed around highlighting ethnic ambient music from around the world, Alex's mix series (which you can stream on Mixcloud) shows such mastery in combining exquisite mixing and mystical storytelling. It chronicles the journey of Oushie who travels far from his home to visit Ethni-City the capital of the land where he was born. My favorite episode of that series, and one I remember drifting off to sleep with many nights, is #5: The Mystic Shows Oushie the Way to Find His Spirit Guide. Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pi