Tiny Climate Challenge

005 Idle Free: Clean Earth 4 Kids



www.TinyClimate.com  Tiny Climate Challenge Episode 5 is all about the simple act of turning off our engines and reducing our air pollution. Our Challenge Expert - Suzanne M. Hume and her fellow Youth Board Members, Hannah Smith, Li Phillips, and Gideon Phillips from CleanEarth4Kids join us to discuss how they’re helping school districts adopt Climate Action Plans and No Idling Resolutions.  Tiny Climate Challenge Expert: Suzanne M. Hume is the educational director and founder of CleanEarth4Kids.org, a nonprofit dedicated to protecting children’s health, clean air, water and non-toxic lands through educational opportunities, collaboration, projects, contests and challenges. Suzanne loves teaching students, training teachers, parents and the community.  You can learn more about CleanEarth4Kids.org online, follow Clean Earth 4 Kids on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or email Suzanne at s@CleanEarth4Kids.org.  Guest Links CleanEarth4Kids.org Video 2.2 Billion Reasons Why To Stop Idling Video Idling Hurts Childr