Tiny Climate Challenge

014 Pia Piscitelli: Slow Fashion Challenger



Pia Piscitelli committed to her own slow fashion challenge for an entire year in 2019. In this episode, she shares her best ideas and inspirations to help us all take eco-actions to create a more sustainable closet. Guest Challenger Bio Pia Piscitelli is passionate about eco-action and finding tangible ways to make a difference. For over five years, she has worked in environmental education organizations helping kids and adults take steps to live a more sustainable life. She was trained as a Climate Reality Leader with former Vice President Al Gore, and she's certified as a Master Composter. She runs Greenie Guide, a resource that helps individuals take climate action, and she loves exploring sustainable travel, cooking with her solar oven, and supporting her local coffee scene. Links mentioned thredUP Pact Fashion Revolution Elizabeth Cline Additional Links A Year Without Buying Fast Fashion Clothing  24 New Years Resolutions for a Sustainable & Ethical Closet Tiny Climate Challenge Guest Contact Pia