Tiny Climate Challenge

015 Marina Qutab: The EcoGoddess



In this Tiny Climate Challenge episode our Guest Expert, Marina Qutab (aka the Eco Goddess) teaches us how to be a Zero Waste Badass. She talks about how she tracked and reduced her trash and fit two years of her waste into a tiny mason jar. She also challenges all of us to embrace the philosophy of ecocentrism by becoming more resourceful in our own lives and creating our own DIY solutions for living more sustainably.  Guest Challenger Bio Marina Qutab is the personality behind Eco Goddess. Through her online presence, she shares zero waste living tips, plant-based recipes, and soulful wellness inspiration. It is her hope that in sharing her journey to living a more vibrant, ecologically conscious lifestyle with others, others will feel inspired and supported to embark on their own journeys. Find her on social media at @EcoGoddess and check out her startup {Zero} Waste Kit where she aims to provide you with the tools, mindset, and convenience for reducing your everyday waste and ecological footprint. Links m