Tiny Climate Challenge

026 Bruce Bekkar: Climate Confessions



In this Tiny Climate Challenge episode our Guest Expert Dr. Bruce Bekkar and Mayela Manasjan share some of their own climate confessions and discuss what we can all do to enhance our personal resilience as we relate to our eco-anxiety. Dr. Bekkar also shares some tiny tips on the importance of being aware and honest about our own environmental shortcomings, accepting our imperfections, finding the joy in climate activism and taking care of ourselves and others as we work to solve our climate crisis. Expert/Guest Challenger Bio Bruce Bekkar, M.D. is a women’s health physician, activist, and international keynote speaker who has been engaged with the climate crisis since 2007.  As a full-time activist since 2013, he serves on ecoAmerica’s Climate for Health Leadership Circle Executive Committee, is Chair of the Public Health Advisory Council of the Climate Action Campaign and works with nonprofits including The Climate Reality Project and the American Lung Association.  Bruce has addressed the California State