F100 Nation Podcast

F100 Hood Hinge solutions - Mike Built



F100 Talk, Episode #61 is brought to you by  -  Title Sponsor - www.lmctruck.com - Keeping generations on the road. www.fatfendergarage.com - Your Coyote Swap Specialist.  www.mar-k.com - More then just the BEST wood for your F100!  www.vintageair.com - With over 40 years in the business, they have an AC kit for your classic Ford Truck.  https://www.qa1.net/f100 - QA1 has done all of the hard work, now all you have to do is install their killer products and enjoy the ride!  Mike Built, aka the @the_hinge_guy has a hood hinge solution for your and your lowered F100, or if you just want to upgrade from stock.  Whether you're a Slick, a Bump, or a Dent, he has a solution for you!