Lab Medicine Rounds

Pandemic Update: Testing for COVID-19



Time Stamps00:00 Podcast Intro 00:52 Can you start off and give us kind of the status update on where we are on this COVID-19 pandemic?02:13 When you talk about it has gone from an epidemic to a pandemic, can you highlight for our listeners what the difference between those two are?03:22 Now to dive into laboratory testing. There have been a couple of tests talked about in the media and I know that you have led a team here at Mayo that has developed a test for COVID-19. Can you help us summarize these different tests that are potentially orderable?04:00 Molecular Tests05:10 Serologic Tests07:14 I’ve been seeing in the news a lot of speculation based on past experiences about low sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing. Can you speak to that and help us understand this from the lab medicine professional’s point of view?11:00 We’ve been hearing a lot about rapid tests, point-of-care tests for SARS-CoV-2. I was wondering if you could help us understand those, and how do they fit with what we’ve discussed so