Talk to Your Pharmacist

The Modern Era of Compounding with Peter Koshland



In this episode, our guest Peter Koshland shares about his path to compounding and issues facing it today. Peter Koshland, PharmD opened his compounding pharmacy, Koshland Pharm, in 2009 in San Francisco and works with doctors and patients on individualized, integrative therapies that make a difference in the quality of patients’ day-to-day lives. Peter has seen the profound impact high-quality compounded medicine can have, so producing the absolute best patient outcomes is what drives his decisions as CEO of Koshland Pharm. When he is not in the pharmacy, Peter spends his time consulting with and educating doctors about the multiple applications of compounded medicine in their respective fields. Main topics: Why big pharma is lobbying against bio-identical HRT How bias against compounding pharmacies could limit the options available to doctors treating patients The economic impact that FDA overreach could have on pharmacists across the country Peter Koshland -LinkedIn: