SAGE Mindset Podcast

Breaking and Forming Habits To Create Lasting Change



Are you ready to have more consistency in your leadership or break bad patterns? In this episode, I walk you through a proven process to help you make habit shifts that stick.  Habit is about your mindset. Your mindset is about your why. In this episode, we look at the story behind the desired habit creation or changes. You'll learn how to use two powerful and practical tools to help you implement the changes you want in your life. You'll also learn how to get to the root of habit change by accessing your subconscious by using a simple writing method.  Learn a weekly reflective practice. Get to the heart of change with the true story behind the habit, Learn how to describe your habits in such a way that creates a gap your brain has to fit. Become an expert at exploring the subconscious root of your bad habits. I know you'll gain powerful insights from today's show.    If you'd like to connect with other listeners and SAGE Leaders, please visit our Facebook group.