Events At Usip

What is the State of the Rule of Law Around the World in 2019?



The WJP Rule of Law Index® 2019 is the latest report in an annual series measuring the rule of law based on the experiences and perceptions of the general public and in-country experts worldwide. USIP in conjuction with the World Justice Project discussed key findings from the WJP Rule of Law Index 2019 and how the rule of law matters for the future of fair and functioning societies worldwide.    Speakers Bill Taylor, welcoming remarks Executive Vice President, U.S. Institute of Peace William Hubbard, welcoming remarks Board Chair, World Justice Project  Elizabeth Andersen Executive Director, World Justice Project Dr. Alejandro Ponce Chief Research Officer, World Justice Project Maria Stephan Director Nonviolent Action, U.S. Institute of Peace Hoyt Yee Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute of Peace Philippe Leroux-Martin, moderator  Director Governance Justice and Security, U.S. Institute of Peace