Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0084 - Justina Amerikoje Noras Justina In America The Wish



Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’re in the month of June which in Lithuanian is birželis. Europos parkas or Europe’s Park is a 50-hectare open-air museum located 17 km from Vilnius, Lithuania. The museum gives an artistic significance to the geographic center of the European continent (as determined by the French National Geographic Institute in 1989) and presents Lithuanian and international modern art. The museum exhibits more than 90 works from 27 countries, including Armenia, Belarus, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Russia, the United States, and Venezuela. Now, here’s Raminta reading the fourth part of the letter, “Justina Amerikoje.” Visa mūsų šeima labai norėtų ir tikisi, kad Justina sugrįš į Lietuvą, o grįžusi į tėvynę pabaigs pradėtas studijas Vilniaus universitetuose. Just