Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0097 - Exam 23



Exam 23 Dvidešimt trečias egzaminas.   This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! to go on foot                                    eiti thunderstorm                                    perkūnija thunder                                            perkūninis lightning rod                                     perkūnsargis hello on the phone                             klausau hey, baby, where are you?                labas, mylimoji, kur esi? I’m downtown, where are you?          aš miesto centre, kur tu esi? I’m in the hotel, I’m walking to downtown                        aš viešbutyje, aš einu į miesto centrą I go (on foot)                                   aš einu you go (on foot) (familiar)                  tu eini he walks (on foot)                            jis eina she goes (on foot)                              ji eina we go (o