Raw & Real with Dr Lisa<

Your Relationship With Your Body ~ Dr. Lisa Cooney



Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Yes. Your body. You, the being, the soul, and your body have the potential to be an amazing team. You both have the power, the potency, and the knowledge to allow your life to be as pleasurable and orgasmic as you can only see in your wildest dreams! You also have the amazing potential for healing your body and others. What happens when you are not aware of that potential and you are use these super powers against you is that every situation, person and energy will leave an imprint in you. And your life might become affected by the energy of others. It’s time to allow Healer inside of you to SHINE instead of being drowned by others energies. Let’s do it! Check out my upcoming events and classes: https://www.drlisacooney.com/events     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Lies Of Money Purchase here AccessConsciousness.com www.drlisacooney.com/   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of
