

It's all about The Journey. TIME Magazine called him one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in the World” and he's on today's podcast, reminding us to enjoy the journey. I'm still buzzing after our latest live event in London. It was just so cool to meet lots of friendly Zestologists doing some innovative (some would say crazy) stuff to improve their energy and performance levels. We also had the legendary ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes there - the man who never stretches, even after running 300 miles!  Dean is a big name. So impressive that TIME named him one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in the World” and Men’s Fitness honored him as one of the fittest men on the planet. Our topic this week? Motivation, mindset, challenges and why they're so important We go general and specific. We’re chatting nitty gritty, including how Dean knocked off 50 marathons spanning 50 U.S. states in just 50 days and what it takes to run 350 miles across 80 sleep-free hours. Listen up now. Even if you aren’t angling