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How Two Moms Built an Empire From Green Smoothies and Big Love



Jadah Sellner and Jen Hansard are the founders of Simple Green Smoothies, a quest-driven company that has grown into a massive global community in an astonishingly short amount of time.They're also the co-authors the new book Simple Green Smoothies: 100+ Tasty Recipes to Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Feel Great in Your Body.Just a few years ago, though, they were two young moms, struggling mightily to get by, on every level.Money was tight, they both "had" to work to help support their families. Jadah was acting in educational plays for schools and Jen was doing design work. But it just wasn't enough.Neither found any sense of deeper purpose or sustainable income in what they were doing, so they began to hatch a plan to work together to create a community for moms.They spent every extra minute trying to build an education website and community, but it just wasn't working. At the same time, Jadah was trying to figure out how to reclaim her health, but as a young mom, she wanted something fast and easy to