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Discovering Your Identity | Stedman Graham



If you’ve heard the name of my guest today, Stedman Graham, there’s a good chance it’s been offered in the same sentence with his long-time partner in life, Oprah Winfrey. What’s not as often told is Stedman’s own, deeply-compelling personal journey. His path from small-town kid to pursuing a degree in education while simultaneously serving in the Army, playing basketball in the European leagues, then returning home to enter the world of business and giving back along the way. Stedman eventually founded and now serves as chairman and CEO of S. Graham & Associates, ( a management and marketing consulting firm. He's also written 11 books, including two New York Times best-sellers, and his most recent, Identity Leadership ( the last two decades, Stedman Graham has become a noted expert in education and leadership development. He is fascinated by the exploration of identity, how we discover, validate then build our lives around our most essential selv