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Why Generalists Beat Specialists | David Epstein



David Epstein ( is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Sports Gene and his new blockbuster book, Range (, which makes a powerful, science-backed argument about success. Contrary to those who say "find your thing as early as possible, then focus on becoming the best at it," it turns out those who succeed at the highest levels and stay there longest do not specialize early or become world-class experts in one narrow domain. They actually do the exact opposite. They stay generalists for as long as possible. Early specializers often rise fast, then burn out, leaving those playing a longer, more generalized game to eventually lap them, rise higher and stay successful longer. We dive into the eye-opening research, along with Epstein's remarkable personal journey in today's conversation.-------------Have you discovered your Sparketype yet? Take the Sparketype Assessment™ now. IT’S FREE ( and takes about