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This Will Be My Undoing | Morgan Jerkins



Morgan Jerkins ( is a journalist, author, editor, and professor at Columbia University. Her debut essay collection, This Will Be My Undoing (, exploded into the public’s consciousness last year, becoming an instant New York Times bestseller. She writes with a raw transparency and fierce sense of self-examination and revelation, sharing deeply personal, provocative stories, moments and reflections that often center around her experience as a woman of color, intersectionality, feminism, the writing life and the world of publishing, gender and race and so much more. Morgan has also been featured in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Esquire, Rolling Stone, The Atlantic and is a Senior Editor at ZORA.-------------Have you discovered your Sparketype yet? Take the Sparketype Assessment™ now. IT’S FREE ( and takes about 7-minutes to complete. At a minimum, it’ll open your eyes in a big way. It also just might cha