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The Science of Energy Medicine | Jill Blakeway



When you hear "energy medicine," what do you think? For many, it's a blend of curiosity and caution. You've heard about incredible outcomes after nearly everything else has failed, yet you can't wrap your head around HOW it works, let alone IF it works. Is it real? Is there science? This week, we sit down with Jill Blakeway, L.Ac, DACM, a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist and clinical herbalist, to explore applications, research and scientific bases for this fast-growing healing modality. Blakeway is the founder of Yinova (, a group of alternative health clinics in New York City. She is also the co-author of Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, Sex Again: Recharging your Libido, and her latest book, Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing ( you discovered your Sparketype yet? Take the Sparketype Assessment™ now. IT’S FREE ( and takes about 7-minutes