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Life & Creation After Loss | Kate Inglis



Kate Inglis ( writes children’s fiction, including award-nominated novels and picture books. Kate's writing through the premature birth of her twins, the subsequent loss of one, and life beyond eventually led to her internationally recognized book, Notes for the Everlost ( In today’s expansive conversion, we dive into the peak moments, both highs and lows, from profound loss to revelation, creation, community and celebration, the stories that have shaped her path, the unexpected universality of her experience, her creative lens, voice and commitment to a life of creativity and service.-------------Have you discovered your Sparketype yet? Take the Sparketype Assessment™ now. IT’S FREE ( and takes about 7-minutes to complete. At a minimum, it’ll open your eyes in a big way. It also just might change your life.If you enjoyed the show, please share it with a friend. Thank you to our super cool brand partners. If you li