

What is a good life and how do we live it? In today's special episode, Jonathan Fields debunks the three Good Life Lies, then shares a simple, yet powerful model - the Good Life Buckets - that'll help you begin crafting and living your best life. Not someday, but today. For a much more in-depth look at the Good Life Buckets, along with 10 specific ways to fill each, check out Jonathan's book How to Live a Good Life.SPECIAL ALERT: This is the second installment in our 3-episode "Good Life Launch Pack." Last Thursday, in our episode entitled "To Succeed at Anything, Do This," we shared a game-changing achievement framework designed to help you accomplish big, meaningful goals, dreams and visions. If you haven't yet listened, check it out once you're done with this episode. We've actually learned that last week's episode did not load properly into many people's podcast apps, so if you didn't see this, be sure to go back into the show's main page and download it.And, be sure to subscribe so you don't miss next we