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Bishop Michael Curry | Love is the Way



The Most Reverend Michael Curry is the first African American individual to serve as Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, Chief Pastor, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Chair of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church.Born in Chicago, in the 50s, with a father who was an Episcopal priest, his mom died at a young age and he, along with his sister, was raised by his father and his grandmother. Early in life, he was introduced to social activism through his father’s leadership and his own dedication to righting a broken world. Eventually ordained himself in 1978, Bishop Curry grew increasingly active on issues of social justice, reconciliation, immigration, and marriage equality, often taking positions that were counter to broader tradition, and never shying away from opportunities to invite people to challenge convention in the name of creating a more inclusive community that welcomed all with love and dignity.In May of 2018, Bishop Curry delivered a moving sermon on the redempt