Women's Healthcast

Sexual Health and Cancer Survivorship



As our ability to detect and treat cancer has improved, more people are living longer after their cancer diagnosis. For survivors of breast and gynecologic cancer, that can mean more time living with the side effects treatment can have on sexual and pelvic health. On this episode of the Women’s Healthcast, Dr. Jon Pennycuff talks about what these side effects can include, the variety of options to address sexual health concerns for cancer survivors, and what he wishes more people knew about the connection between cancer treatment and pelvic health. Dr. Pennycuff is a fellowship-trained physician in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Pennycuff recommends these resources for people with questions about sexual and pelvic health side effects after cancer treatment: VoicesforPFD.org UW Health Women's Integrative Sexual Health Program (Madison, WI) A Woman's Toucn (Madison, WI) American Society of Clinical Oncologists Breast Cancer Survivorship International Society for the Study of Women