Talk to Your Pharmacist

Keeping It Real with ReTell Pharmacy Podcaster, Mitch Lee



In this episode, our guest is Mitch Lee of the ReTell Pharmacy podcast. Mitch started in retail pharmacy as a cashier in 2004 and stayed with it as a tech and into pharmacy school (graduated as a pharmacist in 2010). He began to see and hear SO many interesting intersections as a floater and decided to start ReTell Pharmacy Podcast to share those stories so others in our industry won’t feel alone when they have a tough day. Listeners send in their stories through Facebook and Twitter and a new episode of the show drops once a week on Fridays. He really tries to be intentional in being down-to-earth and not taking himself too seriously, as is often the case in the medical field. Guest Guest: Mike Lee (ReTell Pharmacy) Email: Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook @HillBlackburn Twitter