Big Seance Podcast

200 - Dr. Callum E. Cooper on Parapsychology - Big Seance



  In this special 200th episode, Patrick finally got to talk to UK parapsychologist, Dr. Callum E. Cooper. Topics include Parapsychology as a study and a career, Dr. Cooper’s research and book on Telephone Calls from the Dead, three must-read books, bereavement and recovery, clearing up misinformation on the discovery of EVP, inducing After Death Communication, and the truth about the “Estes Method.” Plus the second installment of the return of Tim Prasil’s Spectral Edition. Visit for more info.   Other Listening Options Direct Download Link   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:49 It’s the 200th episode, and we’re also approaching the 10-year anniversary of! 2:30 Dr. Callum E. Cooper’s Bio 3:17 Callum is such a kind gentleman! 5:25 Dr. Cooper’s Telephone Calls from the Dead and the work of Raymond Bayless and D. Scott Rogo. 7:11 Some background on Patrick’s spiritual shift that began around twelve years ago around the time he discovered Callum’s book, Telephone Cal