Freedom Formula for Physicians Podcast

S3, Episode 39-Real Estate advice with Tyler Sheff of Cash Flow Guys



One of the promises that I made at the beginning of the year was that we would talk a lot of real estate. I get a number of people that reach out to me from time-to-time and many I don’t bring onto this show. However, a select few do make it. So far this year, we’ve had on Peter Kim, Damion Lupo, Cory Fawcett, Mark Podolsky, and Larry Harbolt- some physicians and some not to edumacate us on real estate and their experiences. Our next guest is a fellow podcaster. He is a US Army Gulf War Era Veteran, originally earned his Florida real estate license back in year 2000, he also owned and operated a trucking business, worked as a local Police Officer, Charter Captain and Chief Boatswain aboard a US government research ship. In October 2014, he jumped into helping others learn about real estate investing and share his glorious successes and smashing failures. Please help me welcome Tyler Sheff of The Cash Flow Guys podcast. In this podcast you will: Discover why Tyler left a 6 figure job to persue real es