The Tv Campfire

"Guess Who's Laughing Now" presented with GLAAD (Season 10)



From ELLEN to WILL & GRACE to MODERN FAMILY, some of the most culturally significant shows have featured queer characters stealing scenes in sitcoms, and hearts as they do. Trans characters, however, have more often than not been the target of punchlines, or made into the joke altogether. The tide is turning thanks to a new wave of trans creators, writers, and performers who are bringing their comedic voice to the forefront. Presented by GLAAD and The Syndication Project, join us for a conversation about comedic boundaries (or lack thereof), writing for the 2021 viewer (whoever that is), and being really f*cking funny (why the hell not, we deserve).This panel originally aired on June 13, 2021, as part of ATX TV Festival Season 10. PANELISTS:Jesse Leigh (Actor, RUTHERFORD FALLS)Nava Mau (Actor, GENERA+ION)Armand Fields (Actor, WORK IN PROGRESS)Rain Valdez (Creator/EP/Actor, RAZOR TONGUE)Alex Schmider (Associate Director of Transgender Representation, GLAAD)SUBSCRIBE to  @ATX TV  for more panels,