Encounters With The Good People

82 - Banshee Sightings



‘How oft has the Banshee cried? How oft has death untied? Bright links that Glory wove, Sweet bonds… entwined by Love.’ In this episode we delve a little deeper into the mystery of the Banshee and ponder: why she calls for the dying, and how does she choose who to call? If you have not been introduced to the elusive Banshee, please tune in to Episode 3 of this Podcast: Banshee: Harbinger of Death or Spiritual Companion. You know, at times we Humans can be dwell in our own heads, not noticing what is going on around us. So it is, at times, Banshee must employ various methods to get our attention when foretelling a death. And, it seems, when she can’t be there in ‘person’ she even employs another creature to deliver the message. Through true recorded tales of Banshee sightings, we get to know this extraordinary Faerie a little better. * Fancy buying me a coffee? If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work, please consider buying me a ‘coffee’. This