Encounters With The Good People

96 - The Tale of a Sneezing Mermaid



Mermaid Sightings. There are 3 things common to most every Mermaid sighting: the person lucky enough to spot a Mermaid is alone, the sighting is brief and… they are almost never believed. Well on this week’s Podcast, we turn all 3 on their head. In fact, this could be the best account of a Mermaid sighting you will ever hear! On this week’s episode we share an encounter with a Mermaid which was witnessed by 12 people (at the same time) who were able to share a detailed description of her appearance and behaviour. And more… the Mermaid herself knew she was being observed and seemed to enjoy the attention. Join Kitty for tales and chat about the ever-elusive Mermaid and discover it’s okay to believe in Faeries. * Fancy buying me a coffee? If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work, please consider buying me a ‘coffee’. This is a really quick, simple and safe way for you to donate and support my work. Simply click on the ‘Buy me a coffee’ icon on my