Distillations: Science + Culture + History

Distillations Turns 200



This is Distillations’s 200th episode, and we’re celebrating! We pored through hundreds of shows and pieced together some of the funniest, grossest, and most surprising moments in Distillations history. Still chuckling from episode 166, "Alchemy After Dark," where CHF’s rare book curator Jim Voelkel cries from laughter while reading a steamy alchemical passage from yesteryear? Still trying to forget the body-cheese experiment from episode 156, "Hard to Stomach"? Or maybe you’re still perplexed about how a Viagra tablet might wind up in your herbal supplement, as explained in episode 197, "Fads and Faith"? We visit these moments and many more. Thanks for listening, and we hope you’ll join us for the next 200 shows!  CREDITS: Hosts: Michal Meyer and Bob Kenworthy Producer & Editor: Mariel Carr   Music courtesy of the Audio Network.