America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

Federal Climate Adaptation Plans: Part 1 – with Dr. Jesse Keenan



In the latest episode of America Adapts, Doug Parsons and Tulane Professor,  Dr. Jesse Keenan assess the newly released federal climate adaptation plans.  Jesse does a deep dive and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of 10 of the adaptation plans. This is the first part of a two part series, with the rest of the departments and agencies covered in the second episode. We also discuss maladaptation and what role the National Climate Assessment plays in adaptation planning across the nation. If you wanted to learn what the federal government is up to on climate adaptation, this episode is your go to resource. Have a listen!  Topics and Adaptation Plans covered: Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Defense U.S. Army Corps Department of Education Department of Energy Dept. of Health and Human Services U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Dept. of Homeland Security Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Responding to maladaptation Strengths and Weaknesses of the National Climate Asse