Big Seance Podcast

16 - The Year of Halloween: An Interview with Eva Halloween - The Big Séance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Call the show at (775) 583-5563! In this episode, we sit at the séance table with the haunted hostess of, Eva Halloween. Eva and her site is a massive collection of resources that helps readers to celebrate Halloween all year long!   Visit for show notes.     "I was a lot less interested in talking about my personal feelings about Halloween 365 days a year, as much as I really had a love of kind of curating what’s out there and bringing it to people, and say here’s the best of things in all manner of ways that can bring that kind of creepiness and spooky fun of Halloween alive all year round without it necessarily having to be 365 days of pumpkins or black cat cutouts. There’s lots of ways to have that kind of fun feeling all year.”  --Eva Halloween   Topics discussed in this episode: Favorite Halloween Memories and Traditions Trick-or-Treating Contributors to The Year of Halloween Makeup and Costume Tutorials Halloween DIY Projects Art & Inspiration Annual Costume