Big Seance Podcast

75 - Chuck Gotski, Psychic Medium and Paranormal Investigator - The Big Seance Podcast



Chuck Gotski, psychic medium, paranormal investigator, and co-host of Paranormal Underground Radio: In the Dark, shares his experiences with investigating the paranormal, and his recent journey of mediumship. Visit for more info. Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link!   In this episode:  Episode Preview :00 Intro 1:53 Lot’s of stuff going on, plus listener feedback! 2:25 An update regarding the upcoming LIVE Seance with Karen A. Dahlman 4:05 Welcome, Chuck Gotski! 6:43 An early paranormal experience 9:09 Jumping into paranormal investigation, 30 years ago 17:52 Paranormal technology and what has changed over the years 20:48 Chuck’s favorite paranormal investigation tools 25:27 Fame and the current state of paranormal research 31:10 You know you’re a psychic medium, right? Snap out of it! 37:23 The Chuckie G Community - We are all one, so let it shine! 53:12 Where to find Chuck 1:01:20   Spectral Edition with Tim Prasil (The Phantom No. 33) 1:0