Big Seance Podcast

142 - Techniques for Clearing a Space of Unwanted Energy or Spirit Visitors - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Former guests and listeners of the show share their tips and techniques for clearing a space of funky energy or removing unwanted spirit visitors. Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 Is there one correct way to clear or cleanse a space of nasty funky energy or spirit visitors? Of course not! :52 Pouring the tea! Today I'm drinking "Walk in Balance" herbal tea by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 1:45 Getting rid of bad energy and setting boundaries with spirit. A SpeakPipe message from Erin. 3:33 Previous guest, Amber Choisella, shares her favorite techniques in a voicemail. 5:03 Speaking of negative energy, the very FIRST episode of the Big Seance Podcast was with my friend, Marilyn Painter, and it was all about Dealing with Lower Energies/Demons/Possessions. Here’s a look back on that episode from 5 years ago. Learn more about Marilyn Painter at PsychicQuests.c