Big Seance Podcast

144 - Sandra Champlain of We Don't Die - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Sandra Champlain, author and host of We Don't Die Radio, shares her journey from the fear of dying to a passion for sharing the news that we all survive death. Plus amazing stories of seances and physical mediumship! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:08 Sandra Champlain’s Bio 1:50 Pouring the tea! Today I'm drinking "Warrior Tea" by the sponsor of today’s episode, Nuwati Herbals. 2:40 Welcome to the parlor, Sandra Champlain! 3:50 Grief and the fear of dying. 4:45 When you realize that we don’t die, everyone makes it to the Other Side, and our loved ones will be there to greet us. 7:42 Sandra’s tipping point was a course in mediumship and discovering Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). 10:48 In 2011, while sitting in her car after a movie, Sandra recorded a video of herself after realizing it was time to share her story. 17:10 Sandra shares more from experiences while studying mediumship at the Arthur Findlay Colle